10 Reasons You Need an Echo Show 15 Now!

My favorite device that helps me stay organized as a busy mom of 3 is the Echo Show 15. The original plan was to purchase a smart refrigerator. We did our research and learned that these fridges quickly turned dumb. So, instead, we ended up with a regular refrigerator and an echo show. (Also saving lots of money!)

The Echo Show 15 acts as an organizational hub. I can use it in conjunction with my smartphone to have my calendar and shopping list visible to my whole family and to me at all times. This helps coordinate schedules and keep track of our busy lives!

These are the top 10 reasons you need to put it at the top of your Christmas list!

I have added the shopping list widget to the home screen of my Echo Show 15. It is also synced to my iPhone which continuously updates. Now my shopping list is always visible in the house, and anyone can ask Alexa to add an item to the list. The items are added to the list shown on the home screen and also to the list on my phone. Now there is never any excuse to run out of anything again… right?!

iphone on notebook

I have also synced my Google calendar with both the Echo Show 15 and my iPhone. With the calendar widget, the calendar is available on my home screen. I try to add all of our events to this calendar so they can be seen by anyone in the house. I also have it with me at all times on my iPhone and I can coordinate dates and times for appointments and events.

We keep our Echo Show 15 on the kitchen counter. While I am cooking or cleaning, I can watch a show or listen to music. You can access all your favorite streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, and Spotify.

Anyone can set up a free account with Amazon photos. You can then create an album so that your favorite photos are sent to the Echo Show 15 for display. One device has so many functions!

You can customize a morning routine. You can have the Echo Show 15 provide you with relevant information such as your commute time, a flash news briefing, and the day’s weather forecast. The home screen and routine can all be customized for each member of your family in the way that most suits their needs. The device has facial and speech recognition so it can determine which home screen/routine to have available when you ask or walk up to the device.

Many smart home devices such as security cameras, baby monitors, and doorbells have a skill that works with Alexa. If you ask Alexa to show you the doorbell or ask to see a certain camera, she will open it on the screen.

a person reading a cookbook

Besides the home screen widgets, there are tons of skills you can add. I have the Recipe Keeper app on my phone that stores all of my recipes and creates meal plans as well as shopping lists (watch for an upcoming post all about this!). I have added the skill to my Echo Show 15 and I can now open the recipes in the kitchen when I am cooking and follow along. You can also ask Alexa to find a recipe for green bean casserole, and she will pull up a list. You can ask her how long to boil an egg and she will give you an answer.

You can use the Echo Show 15 as a security camera. You can open your Alexa app and drop into the device whenever you are away from the house. This will open the camera and you can see what is happening in your home. There is also a Guard option with Alexa. If you set your guard to away. Alexa will let you know if any of the devices detect the sound of glass breaking, carbon monoxide, or smoke detector alarms.

The Echo Show 15 has the same capabilities as all of the other Echo devices. With the echo being in my kitchen I use the time feature a lot! You can give each time a name and a list will appear on the screen of the various timers. This is especially helpful if you are cooking for the holidays. The intercom and announcement feature also gets used a lot. I can announce the house, (we have an Amazon echo dot in just about every room) that dinner is ready. I can also drop into any of the echo dots to check on my kids while I prepare dinner.

If you have friends or family with an echo show you can video call them, if they have an echo device without video you are still able to do a voice call. You can also set up contacts in your Amazon Alexa app and include phone numbers of family and friends. I like this option since home phones are obsolete. If my kids ever need to get in contact with someone, they know how to ask Alexa to call me, their dad, or a grandparent.

You can also use the Amazon App to drop into your house. If your husband never answers his phone, like mine and you are out and need to reach him, you can drop into the device and your voice will broadcast across the device. Someone will usually hear this in my house, and I can find out whatever I need to know.

More to try

If you open settings, you will find a category called Things to try. Some of these include:

  • Games
  • Create your own stories
  • Entertainment
  • Relaxation
  • Health and Fitness
  • Jokes
  • Education
  • News

Check it out and tell me what new thing you find and love!

About Me

Welcome to my blog! If you are technologically illiterate like me then this is the place for you. I have done the research and the testing so that you don’t have to.

You will find ways to use your Alexa devices to help make your life easier, my favorite apps and smart devices, ways to set up parental controls, everything you need to navigate motherhood in the tech ages. All things have been kid tested and mother approved!

If there is something you can’t find and would like me to do the research to share with other parents then please send me an email, leave a comment or visit me on social media.

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